
a blog without an iphone

So here is my first blog confession...I don't really have any cool pictures to share...I have seen some really neat blogs in which people upload stuff they're doing, stuff they like, people they're with, etc all via the help of a "smart phone" with special filters to hipster-fy their images and such. It's quick and simple because they can post instantly. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining--I eat that up. But my phone is anything but smart. (I call and text with the LG Cosmos seen below).

My camera (one of your average Kodak Easyshare snap n shoots) is malfunctioning and as for my phone...well I'm too cheap to even buy the ten dollar memory card so it can save pixel-y pictures to it's one-step-above-a-flip-phone intelligence.

I'm hoping to invest in a nice (maybe SLR?...probably not) camera in the near future.  And then maybe I'll be able to rank among those bloggers that I admire with their sepia tinged photos and polaroid frames. But until my bank account grows to possess that capability, this will continue to be a blog without an iphone.

So to my friends who are still t9-ing it like me --enjoy :)

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