
cubs vs. cards

Earlier this week, I went to the Cardinals vs. Cubs baseball game.  And I found myself in a strange dilemma.  We all know I am not a very sporty person, but my family does love baseball.  (Hate on its' excruciatingly slow pace all you want, there is no stopping the "buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks" type of carefree attitude!)  I was born in St. Louis and know baseball well enough to realized the rivalry I was witnessing.  

So, who to root for?  Which team did I belong with?  It's typically a very obvious answer in accordance to where I am or who I'm with, but I had some sort of affiliation to both these teams.  It was not a strange sensation in not knowing who I wanted to cheer for more—I've been more than indifferent when it comes to sports situations before.  It was strange because I had a choice.  I was born in St. Louis.  I can take as much of that with me throughout my life.  Chicago is where I live now, but I tend to get very proud of the places I'm not in whenever I'm elsewhere, so something kept pulling me towards St. Louis.

I ended up wearing a green jacket and a purple scarf to the game—colors totally ambiguous to any fan associations.  

Forever indecisive,


I'm beginning my list of summer shopping must-haves! The maxi skirt (if I can find one long enough) will definitely be included.

I'm campaigning for a copy of this Denver print (by January Jones on Etsy) to go up somewhere in the apartment.

A list of the top ten DIY blogs—how I've been procrastinating this week.



I'm sure it's clear to anyone that has passed by a restaurant serving brunch between the peak hours of 10am-2pm...aka the hungover rush or just-coming-back-from-church crowd...that people love brunch.  Perhaps the most blogged about meal, it seems that many—myself included—believe brunch to be THE best meal of any day.

The only problem I have with it is choosing to either go the sweet or salty route—do i pick apple cinnamon french toast or a breakfast burrito?  Red velvet pancakes (oh yes, that's a thing at Brunch) or the Denver omelette?

So when I went to Ann Sather Cafe off of Belmont with my high school theater teacher and her two lovely daughters (and friends of mine), my problems were solved.  I was able to order my go-to breakfast burrito AND get cinnamon rolls and fruit as sides.  (They had heard of the place based off only their reputation for great cinnamon rolls—a good sign, to begin with.)  A brunch dream, turned reality.

The only problem was, I was so enthralled to satisfy both my salty and sweet palettes, I didn't take any pictures.  I guess I'll have to go again...

The picture above is the aforementioned red velvet pancakes from Brunch.


I'm two decades old.


It has been far too long since my last entry unto this website I call my blog.

Let's see...

We've had Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Passover, whatever else you might have celebrated in the past two months, aaaaand my birthday! I am two decades old.  I can do nothing more than I could have at nineteen years of age, besides officially not be a teenager.

It's been truly a life-changing experience, being this old.  And to catch you up with all the monumental events that have happened since my last dinner I posted about, I'll quickly just synopsize the highlights:

1.  This year, I had more Valentines than ever—ALL of my roommates said yes to being my valentine!  That's right, while you couples were stuck with just one date, I had four willing candidates to watch Glee and eat chocolate we had bought for ourselves that night.

2.  I met the pianist of folk-esque band The Head and the Heart.  On my birthday weekend. Fate?  You betcha.  He may have closed his eyes in this picture that should have had a flash on, but I was too embarrassed to make him wait and take the picture again.  So that's how the picture looks.  It doesn't matter though because in my mind, he agreed to be my valentine for next year's V-Day when he agreed to take a picture with us.

3.  St. Patrick's Day was the warmest day of the year thus far making the multiple piles of throw up that I jumped over on the sidewalks that much more disgusting.  Like I said, life-changing.

4.  My ability to tan decreased if that's possible.  I went to Florida for Spring Break and got sun poisoning.  No, I didn't have the Panama City/MTV style Spring Break rager.  I went to Naples, Florida (aka retirement country) and got sun poisoning because my skin repels light.  Cute.

5.  I got a tumblr account which is a large part of the reason I have not posted in so long.  Who knew there were so many great outfits, beach scenes, and GIFs of Ryan Gosling I needed to reblog!  I am going to try and continue to keep both of them updated in order to spend way more time than necessary on the internet.  If you're interested in discovering just how much I love Ryan Gosling or Hunger Games memes, you can check out said tumblr here.

So now we're all caught up!  I hope to more consistently update this so everyone can know about my new life as a twenty year old.  Because I'm that much cooler.